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Monomethyl Fumarate Labeled 13C4

High purity Monomethyl Fumarate Labeled 13C4 includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Iso-cannflavin B

High purity Iso-cannflavin B ncludes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Risperidone Labeled d4

High purity Risperidone Labeled d4 includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

PEPAP HCl 1mg/ml

High purity PEPAP HCl (MCV 4527, 1-(2-Phenylethyl)-4-phenyl-4-acetoxypiperidine, synthetic heroin, DEA C-I #9663) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Desmethylprodine HCl (MPPP)

High purity Desmethylprodine Hydrochloride (MPPP, 3-Demethylprodine, 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-4-propionoxypiperidine, synthetic heroin) includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Carbamazepine-d4 0.1mg/ml

High purity Carbamazepine-d4 solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Dibutylone-d3 HCl

High purity Dibutylone labeled d3 HCl (bk-DMBDB-d3, Methylbutylone-d3, 1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-(dimethylamino)butan-1-one-d3) includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Bis(aminopropyl) piperazine (BAP) Labeled d8 Tetrahydrochloride

High purity Bis(aminopropyl) piperazine (BAP) Labeled d8 includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Propoxyphene-d5 HCl 1mg/ml

High purityPropoxyphene-d5 HCl solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Liothyronine (T3) Labeled d4 .TFA

High purity Liothyronine (T3) Labeled d4 includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Ritalinic acid 1mg/ml

High purity Ritalinic acid (2-Phenyl-2-piperidineacetic acid) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

NM-2201 1mg/ml

High purity NM-2201 (NM2201, CBL-2201) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data


High purity Mesalamine includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data


High purity 3-Methylazetidine-1-sulfonamide includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Desalkyl Flurazepam metabolite 1mg/ml

High purity Desalkylflurazepam metabolite (metabolite of Flurazepam) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

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