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Ethylpropion HCl (N-Ethylcathinone) 1mg/ml

High purity Ethylpropion HCl (N-Ethylcathinone, ETH-CAT) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Fluoxetine-d5 HCl 1mg/ml

High purity Fluoxetine labeled-d5 HCl solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Desalkyl Flurazepam metabolite 1mg/ml

High purity Desalkylflurazepam metabolite (metabolite of Flurazepam) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

5F-APINACA (5F-AKB48) 0.1mg/ml

High purity synthesized 5F-APINACA (5F-AKB48, APINACA 5-fluoropentyl analog, AKB48 N-(5-fluoropentyl) analog, 5-fluoro APINACA, US DEA C-I 7049) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data


High purity synthesized FUB-APINACA (FUB-AKB48, AFUBINACA, AFB-48, US DEA C-I 7047) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Dihydro-MDPV HCl (3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone) 1mg/ml

High purity Dihydro-MDPV HCl (3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

4F-alpha-PHP HCl 1mg/ml

High purity 4F-alpha-PHP HCl (4FPHP, 4F-PHP) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

MDMB-PINACA (desfluoro 5F-ADB) 1mg/ml

High purity synthesized MDMB-PINACA (Desfluoro-5F-ADB, ADB, ADB-PINACA) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data


High purity Ethyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Li salt (ethylglucuronide, ethyl-glucuronide) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

3-FEC (3-Fluoroethcathinone) 1mg/ml

High purity 3-FEC (3-Fluoroethcathinone) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

3-FMC HCl 1mg/ml

High purity 3-FMC HCl (3-Fluoromethcathinone HCl) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Desmethyl Atomoxetine-d5 HCl 0.1mg/ml

High purity Desmethyl Atomoxetine-d5 HCl solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

N,N'-Diethylhexedrone HCl 1mg/ml

High purity N,N-Diethylhexedrone (α-Diethylaminohexanophenone) HCl solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data


High purity Ethyl-ß-D-Glucuronide labeled d5 Li salt (ethylglucuronide-d5) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

5F-ADBICA 0.1mg/ml

High purity synthesized 5-Fluoro ADBICA (5F-ADBICA, 5F-ADB-PICA) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

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